Consultant, psychologist, PhD in social sciences.
He consults educators, human resource experts, team leaders and teams about themselves and their work, communication, relationships and cooperation with other people, in achieving goals.
He provides training courses in the following topics:
Training trainers or teaching to learn in experiential reflective way.
Use of experiential reflective learning for the development of personal competencies
Team building, leading the team, developing team-work skills
Self-awareness and knowing oneself
Intercultural communication
Public communication
He was trained in Vilnius University and has since refined his learning in various countries – Sweden, Spain, Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia, Belgium, France, and Austria.
He has wide international experience – from 1998 cooperating with Outward Bound Belgium, from 1994 cooperating and providing training for the Council of Europe, working in training courses in nearly every EU member state and also in Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iceland and Norway. In 2009 successfully started the new project “International Academy for Experiential Learning“.
Since 2000 he has been consulting and training businesses, including small and medium enterprises, production, IT, retail and creative, Lithuanian as well as foreign companies.
Recently he has gained wide experience of working with higher education institutions, for instance: a new course “Team development and leadership“ in Mykolas Romeris University; development of the new programme for soft competence development through experiential methods among students in Vilnius Cooperation College; creating the new programme “Leaders for tomorrow“ in Vilnius University Career Centre and together with Outward Bound Belgium has been working for the international business school INSEAD in France.
For him the sign of a successful seminar is when people do not only gain new knowledge, but also face themselves – become more self aware, discover new opportunities and see their future vision more clearly.